Monday, March 8, 2010

"Geology Rocks"

This was the cutest play I have ever seen. I'm so glad Anna has her own copy of it to keep. The music was entertaining and amusing. The minute Anna brought home the cd with the music to practice, it became a part of us all.

This was a play that Anna's class did for their Geology Unit about a month ago. It had tons of facts in it - cleverly inserted. Anna played the part of "Earth". I forgot to put the memory back in the camera for the real show. Anna made her own costume. I was gone the night it needed to be made, so I called home to see how it was progressing only to learn that "Dad isn't helping me." I was kind of irritated that Brett wasn't helping her, or should I say "worried". However, when I came home I learned that he HAD cut out the circles for the earth, but then had told her, "You will do it just fine." He was right - it turned out WAY better than if we would have helped her and then she was so proud of doing it herself. She just got a map out and eye-balled the continents. I guess it was one of those "learning to let go" moments :)

Notice :40

This next video is pretty much the same, but with some talking, and she "dances" a little more. Anna said it was kind of hard to dance holding onto the microphone and the "moon" :) but she does another great head shake at :58 :)

This is another of the songs that her class did. Lily is the girl in brown right next to Anna. (Her best friend)


claudia said...

Okay!!! YOu need to send the entire video. She is so cute and her costume is So WELL DONE!! It is a good thing Brett encouraged her to do it. It is GREAT!! Miss you so much.

Irish Cream said...

Anna has a GREAT voice! Well done: both singing, speaking and making your own costume, Anna!

Thanks for sharing this- I'm glad I got to sneak a peek at her school life.