Saturday, May 8, 2010

Extra Extra - Read all about it! "City Boy Turns Country!"

I never thought it would happen, but it has. Brett, the man whose dream home was a high rise looking over a thriving metropolis is now talking chickens. I even heard these words come out of his mouth, "If we ever have more land maybe we'd get a turkey." I know, crazy. Maybe it is the kids that have put him over the brink of sanity. Or me. Either way I love it.

We also just got our first batch of chickens. They aren't just ANY old chickens either (according to my source - who I won't name). Personally, I don't know what they are, but you can ask Brett if you are really interested. He will give you lots of details and even the personality traits that are inherent in each breed. He will inform you about his sadness at not getting a Delaware. Yes, sadness. You will find books about chickens in random crevices of our home. You will hear the chirp of our little friends when you enter our home. Brett even professes, "As for me, they stinketh not." (He did think the chicks that we took care of over spring break stunk, but not HIS babies!)

We also got a hamster on a loan - trial basis. Unbelievable.

Will it be Wranglers next?


Irish Cream said...

EW! I hate chickens! Dirty birds.

They taste good, though. And I love eating eggs. What was the impetus for getting chickens? Does Brett cozy up with his "babies" at night? I'll bet the kids love 'em.

As for turkeys? Well, personally, I think they are "EVIL, as in the DEVIL" (know what movie that line is from?) I've been attacked by one, and it was SCARY. Megan and Miranda have also been attacked by a turkey at their tender ages of 4 and 2 respectively. They still talk about the mean turkey that had to "go stand in the corner" (He was locked up in a cage so he couldn't attack the little girls). You should ask them about the turkey sometime. You should ask them if they think Uncle Brett should get a turkey...

Sarah Bailey said...

Well, the kids love them. We never would have gotten them if we hadn't "taken care" of Anna's teacher's chicks over spring break. They were really good at cleaning up after them, making sure they are fed etc.

We aren't willing to get a dog at this point, and with these chickens we have one for every kid. They've named them and love holding them. We are taming them for when they are bigger and looking forward to the fresh eggs!

Haha baout the evil turkeys! (note the comment about more acreage - they'd be far from us :) I'll be sure to ask the girls about what they think one of these days. How funny.

claudia said...

Ask Grandma Welling about turkeys...You didn't ask Carl about chickens did you?

Sarah Bailey said...

No...........should we have? I guess Brett can ask when he gets there. Maybe we don't want to know :)

Amy & Greg said...

Ugh! I hate chickens. They woke me up at 4:30 AM on my mission and I have hated them ever since. Yucky! I am assuming you have them for the eggs? Best wishes to you. That will be a fun project, but I will NEVER own chickens. Love the post!

The Awkward Mom said...

We have a broken chicken if you need one. Got that crow thing going on and our neighbors are going to be upset with us one of these days. Would make a tasty dinner....