Monday, May 14, 2012

Porter Pie is 1 yrs old!

Porter LOVED his big balloon and was quite obsessed with it
during dinner and very possessive of it later :) Too bad
Luke put a hole in it the next day.

Porter LOVES his food. 

Not so much the whip cream :) It was just too messy for him after a couple of minutes
so I washed off his fruit and he was happier.

He was quite excited about his new books which was great because usually he just like to hit books oruse them as weapons.  Thanks Grandma!

This is very serious reading business.

"Perfect! Something else that fits in my mouth!"

Wow! Toy!

All these toy parts (except two) were lost or missing within an hour.  Hmmmmm - bad choice perhaps.  We'll try again next year :)

I'm super concentrating.

Wow! Birthdays are great fun!

Can't believe he is one year old already! This was sure an anticipated date around here. Brett was relieved that Porter was walking  before his 1st birthday so Porter wouldn't have to be ashamed -haha.   Porter has just been the joy of our lives.  Every day he makes us laugh and is such a fun little boy. Always looking for someone to play with. Always so serious until he breaks into a smile or laugh.  He loves to come in the room (walking now!) clapping and just grinning like, "Here I am guys! What are we going to do now??!!"  He loves to grab hair and give 5's.  He cries when Anna leaves the room without "hanging out" with him.  His new favorite adventure is "jumping" on the trampoline - or at least crawling all over it and jumping when I hold him up.  He stands by the sliding door and just cries when all the kids are out there and he can't.  We love his little mouth - constantly in fish mode looking for something to put in it.  He races whoever is sweeping the floor to the dirt pile - it is a race to get it vacuumed up before he grabs stuff out of it. His true treasure pile!   He loves to make "Oh!" sounds - in different volumes - one is "I'm hurt", one is "That's neat!" and the other is "Help me!"  I love it. He travels around the house pulling books etc off any shelf he can reach.  Everyone wants to be the one to get him out of bed cause he loves to cuddle when he wakes up.  We love his fat feet and hands (even though those hands have the death grip sometimes!) and how he giggles so easily.  You can make Porter laugh just by glancing at him. We love you so much Porter James Bailey!


Anonymous said...

so cute!! Your children are looking so grown up!


Anonymous said...

Love this! Made me teary :)

Anonymous said...

Very sweet!

Uncle Johnny

Anonymous said...

Dawwww! He's such a cute kid!

Anonymous said...

I didn't recognize Luke at first cause I thought it was Josh, but then too small, who is that.... Luke??!?!?!?! Wow!

John P.H.G

cardenandkelly said...

Aw, we miss PoPo. Good job buddy.