Sunday, October 7, 2012

Luke loves drawing.........

We never know what he will come up with.  I'm always amazed at his eye for detail.  Also, just the time he spends coloring.  This first picture he colored when he was almost 4 years old (so officially 3 :)).  He spent at least 4-5 hours on it- spread out over time.  He would color for a while, then come back to it later.  I never even told him he had to finish it, it was just something I gave him for fun.  He would lose the picture and then we would search for it so he could  color it some more. Then he'd lose it again - but he wouldn't forget about it. He was determined all on his own to finish it.

He loves to color, draw - loves little details.
I love his sense of balance - kind of crazy - but fun.

Not sure what this is, but kind of cool!

I have a Picasso for sale - for YOU a good deal!

This one he was trying to copy his cousin Connor's dragons.

This is one of my favorites.  Rings of Seurat, eh?

 He'll draw these for birthday cards. Kind of funny how much detail he puts in for another little 5 year old who won't even look twice at the card.  At least his Mom appreciates his art :)

1 comment:

Amy & Greg said...

I love these drawings! Looks like he may have some of his dad's talent! So fun!